WW: Melon



ps. in the background is Superstar Dogs on channel 4. Have you been watching it? Its my favourite show.

77 Comments on “WW: Melon”

  1. Purrs Full of Love Cat Blog says:

    Enjoy your melon!

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  2. I love when dogs with tall ears point them forward like that. I find it irresistibly cute. Bet that melon was delicious!

    –Woofs (and purrs) from Life with Dogs and Cats.

  3. Oh how Nommy that looks AND it’s good for you too!!!

    Hugs, Sammy

  4. What no ham with that Misaki??????? Enjoy! Have a wonderful Wednesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  5. fozziemum says:

    How do you get Rockmelon/Canteloupe in your winter Misaki ???? very yumm 🙂 hugs Fozziemum xxx

  6. cecilia07 says:

    Yummy a toy and a snack all at one time
    Madi your bfff

  7. Misaki you like cantaloupe!!!! Me too, with a bit of pepper.. 🙂

  8. PigLove says:

    Oh yummo! I love me some melon of any kind. I get some at times for lunch. And you know my mom likes it with cinnamon. So good! XOXO – Bacon

  9. Melon huh? Not a favorite of mine but the hubby loves it! What did you think?

  10. You eat melon? I guess I should try it since you say it is yummy.
    Happy WW, Misaki.

  11. Wow, never had that, Is it good?

  12. Kyla says:

    I’d even eat the rind.

  13. I’ve heard about this show, but sadly we can’t watch it here. Can you send a little piece of the melon in attachment for my mom?

  14. Novroz says:

    Looks delicious!!

  15. ohhh Misaki you eat that cantaloupe up! The earrings are lovely too!

  16. munch munch 🙂 diet time Misaki???

  17. Frankie and Ernie says:

    WE love Melon… Rind and All… Ernie even eats the SEEDS if he gets a chance. ENJOY!!

  18. Jane Y. says:

    yum! melon! piri’s loves them too! also apples, strawberries and mangoes! 🙂

  19. Mags Corner says:

    Looks like you are really enjoying that melon sweet Misaki. We are looking forward to melon season, we love them fresh from the garden. Hugs and nose kisses

  20. Two French Bulldogs says:

    Oh yummy!!
    Lily & Edward

  21. How did that cantaloupe work out for you?

  22. I didn’t know that dogs enjoyed melon! I thought they didn’t eat fruit at all but you look as if you are really enjoying that!!


  23. Nailah Bone says:

    Never given Niles melon. Gonna have to put that on my list! 🙂

  24. Emma says:

    Looks like you find the melon much more interesting than the TV show!

  25. Robin says:

    Good choice of melon! I love those

  26. carraig1 says:

    You are so funny. Thar made my day.

  27. Fruits and veggies make for a healthy diet! Be sure to stop by Friday for the link to the TOP SECRET Pawty!!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  28. Bawahwhahahwhaha bet ya get the melon splatters BOL.. I would have eaten that by the time Mommy had taken the photo 🙂 xxoxxx

    Mollie and Alfie

  29. Ooooh, you lucky girl Misaki!
    Dip and Elliot x

  30. Judy & C.A.T.S says:

    We think it is so cute that you like melon! Love, Cali, Andy, Tater and Shelly (C.A.T.S)

  31. retro rover says:

    was it tasty

    retro rover

  32. The OP Pack says:

    We like melon like that and watermelon too. Did you really get a whole half canteloupe just for you???? Lucky dog.

    Woos – Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

  33. Looks like a yummy treat! Our people don’t like melon so we never have had it.

  34. Never heard of the Superstar Dog Show. Will have to check it out this end. Is it just in the UK? Melon, looks yummy. 😉

    • Misaki says:

      I think so, though you might be able to see it online. It’s so much fun. The dogs do agility courses but they’re not pros so they often mess up:-)

  35. Now Bentley wants to try a melon! Are they a mess? I think I will cube Bentley some up and see if he likes them. Thanks for a tasty idea. : )

  36. Mmm that melon looks refreshing

  37. Pug likes all fruits and vegetables but he’s never had cantaloupe, because I think they’re gross! Maybe I can buy one just for him. 🙂

  38. pawedblog says:

    Oh melon! how lovely, I haven’t tried the pooches on that Misaki! Am sure they would love it though, they love anything edible!
    Yes, we have been watching Superstar Dogs! We love it. I love watching the water retrieval, especially the ones that refuse! Bwahahaaa
    Hugs Carrie (Myfie. Ellie and Millie) x

  39. I love the ears, too, and of course, the yummy melon!

  40. Nylabluesmum says:

    Misaki ya likez da melon?? So doez me Mum….me likez to lick it sumtimez….it smellz nice!
    Lub Nylablue xx

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