WW: Slipper


Ok, so how long do I have to wait for my prince charming??

67 Comments on “WW: Slipper”

  1. gentlestitches says:

    Aww! Sweet doggie shot!

  2. Cute pic :)…Misaki has these really powerful eyes that almost are inviting a hug!!


  3. fozziemum says:

    Oh bless your bootie….one day your prince will come…..sing along sweet Misaki 🙂 hugs Fozziemum xxx

  4. Oh Misaki…if only I could be your Prince Charming! Your Little Prince Charming, Dante!

  5. Cute head tilt 😉 x

  6. My question is: how long did she leave it on?

    –Woofs (and purrs) from Life with Dogs and Cats.

  7. Gosh Misaki I hope the missing slipper isn’t made of glass!!!!!! Oh wait – that was Cinderella…..Love the photo!

    Hugs, Sammy

  8. BOL funny Misaki. Now all you need is to give it a good chew. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  9. Emma says:

    Buddy, that fits you nicely…do you have three more?

  10. OMD Misaki…that is the cutest bootie ever! And it matches your blog. BOL
    *Cairn cuddles*

  11. rumpydog says:

    I thought you already found him!!

  12. Frankie and Ernie says:

    HE WILL come….. just like Santa Paws did.

  13. Woo woo!!! Oh Misaki, dis is Casey’s sissy Cinderella. I just hads to reply to such a pawesome post. I loves your slipper! Don’t worry, your Prince Charming will come very soon. You just have to wait for the ball!


  14. Kyla says:

    You’ve joined our “bootie brigade”!

  15. You’ve out done yourself, Misaki. I can feel him wagging around the next corner! wag wag

  16. dollythedoxie says:

    Oh no where’d it go? Love Dolly

  17. Shiva & Jaya says:

    Purrince Charming, that our daddie and you NO shall has him! #mol

  18. Wells, if he doesn’t come, looks like you gots yourself something to keep you occupied!! hehehe
    Ruby ♥

  19. rmudge says:

    Very very cute! I’m so glad to see that the slipper fits! I think that the prince was supposed to put it on your foot though…. I’m sure he’ll come along soon 🙂

  20. goldenwoofs says:

    LOVE the color. SOON for sure. Happy BlogPaws WW. Golden Woofs

  21. ScottieMom says:

    Oh, how cute! Love the little boot. Looks nice and warm! Much love, The Scottie Mom.

  22. All you need now is the handsome prince!
    Dip and Elliot x

  23. What a great picture! I’m loving the boot! ❤

  24. cecilia07 says:

    You know Misaki once mom told my human sis you have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find your Prince.
    Lots of hugs madi your bfff

  25. You rock that slipper!

  26. The OP Pack says:

    How sweet! Hey, wait, we think Lightning may have found your other slipper:)

    Woos – Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

  27. Kitties Blue says:

    Exquisite photo and sweet expression. Purrs and paw-pats, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  28. Marcie says:

    Uh oh, one slipper is missing! You need the other one to stay warm and toasty! 🙂

  29. speedyrabbit says:

    hehehe that is cute,xx Speedy

  30. Dalton says:

    Not that long – I’m pretty charming *does best dopey grin!*

  31. Nylabluesmum says:

    Me sweet Misaki…me wuud haz said Kuruk butt he iz a Brotha frum another Motha so dat nott werk….hmmmmwhat about Rumpy poochie?? Do ya speek to him thru here?? Doez he haz a gurlfurend?? Me do not phink so…..
    Me wantz ya to haz a Prince fer shure….maybe Forrest Poochie aka Fozzie??
    Hmm me must phink ’bout diz…
    Lub yer kitteh furend Nylablue =^,,^=

  32. Finally seen one of your images. Gorgeous shot xxx

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