Alien Invasion

What would you do if you came home to find this guy in your house??



Yes, that’s what I’d do to hehehe


This is my version of Monsters vs Aliens. And I, the ultimate fluff-monster, definitely won this round! Surprisingly he is still standing but I’m going to let him recuperate for a few days before we have round 2.

Did you meet any aliens today?

88 Comments on “Alien Invasion”

  1. Are you sure it’s safe to leave an alien intact for a few days – it might grow and grow!

  2. This is so cute! I would hug it, then let the boys go at it! lol

  3. Misaki, that alien is huge.. you better decapitate it immediately! Btw I’ve seen no intruder… I mean alien yet, but I’m prepared…MOL 😀

  4. Alien versus Predator has nothing on Misaki versus Alien. We’d love to see the movie. Enjoy and happy de-stuffing. Have a marvellous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  5. Wow. Luckily Earth has a big Misaki dog to protect it from any possible invasion. Whee know where whee are hiding out if Aliens land!

    Nibbles, Nutty, Buddy & Basil

  6. Dalton says:

    He looks like good fun!

  7. You haven’t killed it yet, I need Aliens to visit me..BOL xx00xxx

    Mollie and Alfie

  8. finnhoward says:

    SPOOKY!!! You showed him. I don’t think the UFO will be coming back any time soon.

  9. That thing looks scary, but fun. Yesterday, I saw the scariest alien ever, and it’s called my-neighbors-were-bringing-out-their-recycling. *shiver*

    Love and licks and way too many bottles and cans,

  10. Oh Misaki that’s a VERY cute alien! I love all those arms sticking out – it looks like you’ll have a fun time ripping that thing to shreds!!

    Kitty Hugs, Sammy

  11. Nikitaland says:

    Hey Misaki! I have never chewed on an alien before…what it taste like? Chicken? LOL Man, that toy looks so awesome! I wish I had one of those, as I can see myself grabbing onto one of those tentacles and swinging it back and forth! Don’t you just LOVE new toys, even if they scare you at first? It’s all good, cause we can bite their heads off! hee hee

    • Misaki says:

      Mummy says I’m going to knock myself out one day with the force I throw my toys around BOL, but its too much fun not too 🙂

      • Nikitaland says:

        I know what you mean Misaki, because when I play with my toys, I usually shake my head back and forth so my toy hits me! I love doing that!

  12. stanze says:

    Looks like a (futurama) brain slug and such a huge one. Kill it before it can’t get near the heads of your humans. If your humans start to speak with a monotone voice and praise brain slugs, push them in a pool and spill garlic shampoo over them. It’s in your paws to rescue humankind. ^^

  13. Thank you for keeping the world safer from bad aliens. Lee and Phod

  14. Emmadog says:

    A one eyed monster!

  15. GizmoGeodog says:

    A formidable opponent Misaki but not anything you can’t conquor…I know you’ll save us all from this alien attack

  16. Amy says:

    Whoa! Misaki I’d probably bark and run away! Good luck on round 2 with that thing!

  17. p.m.terrell says:

    We would do exactly the same thing as you, Misaki!

  18. thankfully, no I didn’t meet any aliens today 🙂 Barks and licks and love, Dakota

  19. Oh better run, Miskai – That’s the BLOB from the movie – he will eat your kibble, your toys, your treats… and even you!

  20. PigLove says:

    Oh I love your alien friend there. He would be a lot of fun for this litte oinker too. Just ask the purr things here about their giant mouse – snorts. XOXO – Bacon

  21. Fluff monster, Misaki, rocks!!! Max & Balle

  22. You get him Misaki! Wooooowoooooo, Ku

  23. Kyla says:

    I haven’t met any aliens yet but I’m going to the vet in 90 minutes.

  24. That looks like a great new toy.

  25. I have never met an Alien. It looks like you showed him though, Misaki. You go, girl!
    *Cairn cuddles*

  26. Way to take charge!


  27. We would be terrified if we found that in our hutch!

  28. raisingdaisy says:

    That’s the right solution! 😀

  29. Will and Eko says:

    Thanks for doing your part to protect the planet from an invasion!

  30. speedyrabbit says:

    hehehe you showed that Alien a thing or two hehehe,xx Speedy

  31. Novroz says:

    he’s a cute alien! be nice with him, Misaki 😉

  32. Good job taking care of that alien intruder Misaki!

  33. No aliens around our place sweet Misaki. Keep at that alien and let him know who is boss around there. Hugs and nose kisses

  34. CATachresis says:

    I think I would run and hide mol!!

  35. Marcie says:

    Shew, good thing they have you in the house! 🙂

  36. fozziemum says:

    Watch out Misaki..could be a Murdulator in disguise !!!

  37. snoopys@snoopysdogblog says:

    Hey Misaki,

    Luckily I didn’t encounter any aliens today, but I know for sure if I do I’ll be calling you straight away – the alien buster! 🙂

    Good luck with round 2

    Your pal Snoopy 🙂

  38. rubytheairedale says:

    Wows! He MUST be an alien if he survived YOUR mighty jaws Misaki!
    Good luck tomorrow..I hope to see alien guts all over your floor!!
    Ruby ♥

  39. Clowie says:

    You’d better keep a close eye on it!

  40. I’d do the same thing! Take that alien down! Make sure he knows who the boss is around there. 🙂

  41. Nylabluesmum says:

    Yikez you have one of dem one eyed alienz in yer house?? Mum tried to bring one in here n me smacked it so hard it almost went out da door….Mum got da message quick n she put da alien in a bag n den took IT away da next day!!! Dix ix a one eyed alien-free zone!!!!! 😉
    Lub Nylablue xo

    • Misaki says:

      Hahaha glad to hear you’re on the homeland security detail Nylablue 🙂

      • Nylabluesmum says:

        Me iz ALAYZ on seecuritee alert here ’cause Mum wuud sneek in a Hippypotamuss if she cuud!!! trust me she haz said we shuud get a ‘house hippo’!!!!
        Nylablue n Mum xo

  42. Nicholiovich says:

    That’s just Mike Wazowski from Monsters Inc. Don’t be afraid of him, doggie. Although, he is not supposed to have tentacles. Okay, be a little afraid.

  43. Dianda says:

    Aliens vs dogs!

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