ice cream:-)

The ice cream man came round yesterday – nom nom!
ice cream gif

The Blogville Auction starts today, so head over to Mollie‘s and check out all the cool stuff for sale. Sadly no ice cream but I’m sure you’ll all find something to bid on. And don’t forget all the proceeds are going to help Savvy’s foster brother Leo.


There’s also still time to get your raffle tickets! Just drop me a line at if you want to buy some. They are $2 each and again all proceeds are going towards Leo’s medical care. The winners will be announced on wednesday.

Untitled-12Thank you to everyone who has helped out so far, its truly heartwarming that everyone has joined together to help this poor kitty in his fight for life.

57 Comments on “ice cream:-)”

  1. Goodness gracious Misaki – what an ice cream eating skill you have – did it last for more than a second? We are getting excited about the raffle 😉

    • Misaki says:

      Nope! Mummy and daddy can’t believe that I don’t get brain freeze, but I don’t mess about when it comes to ice cream – blink and its gone BOL

  2. You got the whole thing??!! GAH! I only get one lick! I’ve been robbed!

    Love and licks and I want more,

  3. You’z so lucky 🙂 xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  4. That was some extreme ice cream catching. You were like a hunter launching at its prey. Whee wouldn’t want to mess with you!

    Nibbles, Nutty, Buddy & Basil

  5. Oh Yum! That ice cream looks quite the treat Misaki!!!!! See you over at the auction….

    Kitty Hugs, Sammy

  6. urban hounds says:

    looks so tasty!

    urban hounds

  7. Good to see you’re really savouring that ice cream – ah ha ha ha!

  8. emma says:

    Oh, yummy ice cream! How lucky for you!

  9. Lucky you Misaki. Have a marvellous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  10. catchatcaren says:

    pure deliciousness!! Barks and licks and love, Dakota

  11. Oooh ice cream. Yum! We hope you have a great day 🙂

    Piggy kisses,
    Katie and Coccolino the mini pig

  12. MMMM, ice cream! Lee and Phod

  13. You got a whole ice cream cone? Really? I will show it to my staff – maybe I’ll get one too? … you must be a lucky girl … and I’m just a poor pup without ice cream…

  14. Ooooo, we love ice cream…A LOT!!

  15. finnhoward says:

    Looks delicious! Our local ice cream stores makes dog treats as ice cream sandwiches. Sooooo gooooood.

  16. Kyla says:

    Why don’t you donate the ice cream to the auction? Whoops-it’s already gone.

  17. Lucky you! I wish I had some ice creams…

  18. Where do you live? BOL BOL, Max & Bella drooling as we bark.

  19. Mmm… ice cream… I made some homemade vanilla ice cream the other night and then gave Boomer and Dottie their own little bowls of it… they loved it just as much as it looks like you did!

  20. Oh yes It’s ice cream season again.


  21. Nylabluesmum says:

    Yummy ice creem Misaki!! Yer skill iz pawsum!!!
    Lub Nylablue xo

  22. Wow, you are making us drool all over Mom’s laptop:) We never get to have a whole cone!!! Lucky girl!!!

    Woos – Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  23. You just made Mrs. Master really hungry for ice cream!


  24. dougalldog says:

    Oh yum… That looks tasty! How do I get myself one?!

  25. aiieee…Misaki, you are so cute eating that ice cream!!

  26. Flea says:

    ICE CREAM!!! Aw dog. Now I want ice cream.

  27. Clowie says:

    That ice cream looks tasty! I think you ate it in record time!

  28. Dianda says:

    No brainfreeze?

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