
When I was little I was crazy about socks. When mummy would pair up the socks she’d just washed, I’d sit on them and guard them jealously like a dragon defending her pile of gold!

I’m not quite so excited about socks now I’m a bit older but when daddy bought some new ones yesterday I had to check them out and give them a good sniff.


Just giving these the once-over daddy!

But then daddy did something really mean…


So unimpressed right now daddy

This socks sucks!

101 Comments on “Socks!”

  1. CATachresis says:

    Oh Misaki!! Tell Daddy to put a sock in it!!! mol

  2. Dalton says:

    BOL sorry just fell off my chair laughing!! Your face says it all – brilliant!

  3. 😀 Oh gosh I’m laughing here. That look on your face is priceless Misaki! Thanks for the giggle.

  4. Yes we agree …..tell dad that socks…oppps we meant sucks. Have a sockingly good Tuesday Misaki. Go chew em we say. That will teach him.
    Best wishes Molly

  5. kolytyi says:

    Oh, poor Misaki! I see utter confusion on your pretty face. Please, don’t try to conceal your feelings and quickly develop the habit of biting your nails! 😉

  6. Poor Misaki……You do look a bit irritated at Daddy who was probably laughing his socks off at you (haha)! I’m thinking your plan to steal them and rip them to shreds is a good one. What’s fair is fair!

    Kitty Hugs, Sammy

  7. You look very nice in those socks. But they’d be even prettier if they had some lace ruffles around the top.

    Love and licks,

  8. I still love socks and I still nick them 🙂 at least you have a pair on, all ours are odd now..Wonder why..Bawaahhaaaaawa xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  9. Phod will steal a sock from the laundry, but I Lee don’t love socks. You look good in them. Lee and Phod

  10. Dianna says:

    When I saw Sammy’s reply to your comment this morning, I had to come see for myself. That’s such a cute picture….!
    Purrs, Sundae

  11. Kurome says:

    whuahahahaha….tricky daddy!! You sure have a strong unhappy face 😉

  12. Ha! Misaki, we’re guessing you’re totally over the socks now!

    Oink oink,
    Katie and Coccolino the mini pig

  13. emma says:

    I was never into socks, just underwear but I would not want socks on my paws!

  14. ScottieMom says:

    You look great! Heather isn’t a fan of her pink socks but Mr. K loves sporting his!!

  15. stanzebla says:

    You look very good. 😉 That gave me some ideas how to tease Bach, who liked to chew rubber boots when he was a puppy. ^^

  16. This post is hilarious 🙂 love the picture

  17. catchatcaren says:

    good job for your Dad! Maybe if we put socks on Dakota he will stop being obsessed with them 🙂

  18. Oh brother. I think the peeps mean well, but I’m not so sure about these…..

  19. Now they can call you “Socks” like the cat of Billy Clinton;o) You look funny ;o)

  20. Ann Paws says:

    Lol – they look so cute on you though Misaki! My old boss’s dog loved socks too. He actually would eat them. He had to have sock removal surgery 3 times in his life! Good thing his mom was a vet.

  21. Daisy says:

    LOL!! And LOL again!!! Your daddy has a great sense of humor! 😀 I still love socks, I don’t think I’ll ever outgrow them. But I think you gave my mom an idea about trying them on me…..uh oh……

  22. catfromhell says:

    Me thinks your Daddy is pretty funny. At our house, when Daddy is putting on his socks and the nairy slobbery sisters is bugging them he puts socks over their noses! He calls the “Sock Nose-Sock Nose” and they runs around dancing to hsi singing waving the socks on their noses like some deranged elephants!

  23. OMD! You don’t have to put up with that kind of behavior. You should go poop on his pillow.

  24. But… look so stylish!!

  25. Kyla says:

    Send any and all socks to Dougall-the sock connoisseur.

  26. Clowie says:

    I hope he doesn’t have the nerve to complain that his new socks have dog hair on them, BOL!

  27. Oh Misaki…what was dad thinking? You poor dear dressed in those sucky socks.
    *Cairn cuddles*

  28. speedyrabbit says:

    Would you like me to nibble the socks for you Misaki,Bunnies are the expert nibblers…hehehe,xx Speedy

  29. Will and Eko says:

    It’s all fun and games until you eat those new socks right off your paws!

  30. onebluedog says:

    Are those socks really for you Misaki? One the one hand, it is always nice to have warm, toasty toes. On the other hand, it would be pretty hard to resist turning those into chew toys!

  31. Madi and Mom says:

    OMDs are all those socks just for you? Momloves fancy docks

  32. Madi and Mom says:

    MOL mom loves fancy socks is what we meant to type but she does love fancy clocks too

  33. Gizmo says:

    Aw Misaki that is so wrong for so many reasons…You have good reason to put the bitey on those socks now

  34. Mom does this sort of thing to us too! Ugh

  35. Hehehe! Sorry Misaki but you do look super cute wearing them! Bisous Bailey

  36. Jen says:

    Elka is fond of stealing my fiance’s socks, for whatever reason. Clean or dirty! She doesn’t do it very often anymore, but it’s pretty funny.

  37. What’s wrong with humans? Mine would think that was sooooooo funny. Rude.


  38. writetowag says:

    Giggles!!!! You look super cute though!!!! Big hug sent your way!!!!

  39. A picture speaks a thousand words, you don’t have to say anything.


  40. Aww, you look SO unimpressed! It is funny though. Just a little.

  41. OMD!!! Oh Misaki, peeps sometimes have strange senses of humor. Just be thankful socks are the only thing your Dads puts on you!! Just sayin’…..
    (your face DOES say it all though! )
    Ma, however, was laughin’ her arse off! See, strange sense of humor. ‘I’ would NEVER laugh at you!

  42. bichonpawz says:

    BOL!!! That is so funny!!! xoxo Chloe and LadyBug

  43. Jessica says:

    LOL!!! Daddies love to tease…I guess it’s in their genetic makeup! 🙂

  44. Nylabluesmum says:

    Yow Misaki diz iz a true ‘gotcha’ momint dese Hu’Manz lub to post fer all to see 😉
    Me finkz you lookz adoorable wearing da sockz but me seez you not so happy bout diz!!!
    Here’z a *KISS* fer ya to cheer you up!!!
    xo nylablue n her Mum xo

    • Nylablue, that kiss is EXACTLY what I needed to cheer me up 🙂

      • Nylabluesmum says:

        Yow Misaki dese Hu’manz habe strange (VBP) sense of hue-more fur shure!! Me haz cught me Mum laffin at me when me fallz off da is only a few inchez off da ground n dere she iz ‘bustin a gut’ az dey say behind her hand….hhhrrrmmppphhh!!!
        So here iz a 2nd *kiss* fur you cuase me sharez yer pain!!!!
        Beware da doggie clothez….dey are eberywhere!!!
        Lub Nylablue xo

  45. Chancy the Gardener says:

    Your daddy must have thought you wanted to wear them since you were checking them out. We think you look cute in those socks maybe you will get a new fad going sweet Misaki. Hugs and nose kisses

  46. I LOVE socks. The dirtier and smellier the better! So I can understand the confusion in the second photo. Socks aren’t for paws. They’re for chewing and sucking on. Mmmm mmm!

  47. Dianda says:

    This totally made my day! That photo made me laugh! So cute and funny, haha. 🙂

  48. snoopys@snoopysdogblog says:

    Oh Misaki,

    Your Dad sure is super mean!! My Mum is always trying to put socks on me, then it would be the booties that go with them, but I say no way and thats’s the end of that!! Tee Hee

    Good luck getting them off,

    Your pal Snoopy 🙂

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