more snow fun

Mummy was supposed to go out yesterday but because we had loads more snow, she ended up staying in and we played in the garden together:-) So I’m afraid this is yet another snow post!
Here’s a little video of us:

And some photos of me having a snowball fight with daddy. And a few of me and him wrestling in the park:-)

I hope it never stops snowing:-)

102 Comments on “more snow fun”

  1. Zena says:

    There are times when I’d like to be more white than black – you photograph so well!

  2. Dalton says:

    The snow is ce isn’t it! typists dog has a very funny habbit of eating the snow as he runs alonmg – he takes big mouthfuls of it! It is the funiest thing!!

  3. that looks like SNOW much fun!

  4. Someone is VERY happy!

  5. ilovecats says:

    You look like you are having the time of your life. 🙂

  6. Shiva & Jaya says:

    OMC! It looks like you really liking it! We vetoed the snow, but them won’t listen. Them just gives us the finger (how dare them) and says: whoever sows flakes shall reap snow!

    As long as you has fun, things is all good. However, if you have any concerns about anipalkind (in times of economic crisis that’s quite normal), please let us know. We organize Question Time on Feb. 1 and we need TONS of questions to answer. So if you has questions about walkies, noms, slurps, luv, nip, the state, defense, anipal abuse and more, your Purrime Ministerettes are at your service!


    • Snow is the best! Feel free to send yours to me:-)
      I’ll start thinking of some questions for you…I could definitely use some advice on how to get more noms:-)

      • Shiva & Jaya says:

        We collect questions on our bloggie and our Twitter. If you post question on either bloggie or Twitter about getting more noms or other questions, you will deffo get an answer during Question Time!

  7. I love your snow video, M. Snow is so mysterious. It flies at you and then disappears. You ate a lot of it, though. Yum. Snow is my favorite food. Also, goose poop. And ham.

    Love and licks,

  8. The first pic could be use by an evil being to show how you pounce over a squirrel, just saying.

    • Only you would think of that!
      Worse thing is my squirrel toy (Squiggle Nutkin) is my favourite of all my toys, I carry him round and wash him alot. Mummy thinks I think he’s my baby. Which is weird. But I do love him alot.

  9. Snow much fun Misaki. Enjoy! Have a marvelous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  10. catchatcaren says:

    Misaki you sure are having fun in that snow! I liked this too…as soon as I heard your collar jangling I started BARKING…BOL! Barks and licks and love, Dakota

  11. I’z been out in the snow today 🙂 I don’tz noze if wez will get more 🙂 xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

    • Bet you had a great time! I met a collie called Jim today and we had a good play about together.
      But mummy’s trains were running so she had to go to work:-(
      Not sure if we’ll get more, all the weather reports say different things

  12. Oh it looks like you’re having SUCH a good time with all the snow! YAY!

    Kitty Hugs, Sammy

  13. Wish I had such a warm coat like you. Have fun! We’ve got only a mix between snow and rain – it’s only wet and cold ;o)

  14. Emmadog says:

    That is great that you got to play in the snow in the yard, snowball fights are so much fun!

  15. CATachresis says:

    Misaki, you are having so much fun, you almost make we like the snow …. almost!!

  16. It’s too bad you and Torrey can’t get together in the, you would have a blast. I’m glad you are having a snowy winter and loving it.

  17. Chancy and Mumsy (Mag) says:

    Good job catching those snowballs sweet Misaki. Keep enjoying all that snow while you can. Love the pictures and video…you look so happy and we can tell you are really loving that snow. Hugs and nose kisses

  18. Those are fantastic pictures! We love the video…so much fun.

    Oink oink,
    Katie and Coccolino the mini pig

  19. Kyla says:

    Your genes certainly make you open up in the snow

  20. Madi and Mom says:

    Misaki we hope you and your snow dog DNAs have a fab time romping in the white stuff. I think it would be too cold for me.
    Hugs Madi

  21. Looks like so much fun!


  22. onebluedog says:

    You look like you are having the best time ever!! 😀

  23. At least when it is snowing it isn’t so cold!
    Have fun in the snow!

  24. catfromhell says:

    Msaki – watching yous play in the snow, almost makes it all worthwhile!

  25. So glad to hear that the snow made it your way.

  26. FleaByte says:

    I am jealous. Again. *sigh*

  27. Anonymous says:

    Aww Misaki is so cute!

  28. Urban Hounds says:

    I love the action shots

    urban hounds

  29. Sure glad the snow got to ya, Misaki. Missy was trying to send ya some.

  30. Sure glad the snow got to ya. We were sending you some.

  31. speedyrabbit says:

    yippee Misaki fun!

  32. scienerf says:

    My mummy isn’t happy with all this white stuff…me however I’m loving it oh and guess what! I got to play with one of my neighbours in the street today! We had a quick run around, chased some snowballs from her daddy and generally had fun for a little while before mummy gave in and had to go to work. She didn’t take any photos that I can show you though! Big wags and sniffs xox

    • My mummy sympathises, she was struggling to walk in it this morning. She was slipping on the icy bits and the snowy bits were so dense it made her legs ache (she’s just unfit bol)
      I’m so glad you got to have a snowball fight, bet you have great fun! xxx

      • scienerf says:

        It’s amazing the different muscles you have to use in snow, my mums aren’t used to it either!
        I loved that snowball fight though she was a bit jealous if I got to it first! Bol xox

  33. Gizmo says:

    Misaki I’m sure that there are many who are less than thrilled with all the snow, but seeing that pure joy you have in playing in snow no one can can refuse you this pleasure…let it snow…Let it snow…Let it snow

  34. Cat Forsley says:

    Such a Happy Girl 🙂 🙂 🙂 xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
    let it snow forever for You xoxoxoxoxo

  35. Hmmm, wonder how long it would take four of us to get there – we so want to play in that snow with you, Misaki!!!

    Woos – Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  36. We are loving the snow also with our human grandparents who are currently looking after us xxx

  37. spittythekitty says:

    We loved the movie wif you and your mommy. But hey–you should get some REAL treats! That snow is just—well, ice, I guess! You should demand somefing with some toonas. Oh wait–you’re a woofie. Hmmmm.

  38. Wow Misaki, you look like you’re having a such a great time! Enjoy the snow while it lasts! You are so much more suited to your environment – I feel sorry for the Mallies in Aus when it gets over 35 degrees Celsius on a regular basis – they look so hot! Your daddy looks a bit blue though!

  39. Wowee! Looks like you had a superduperamazing time in the snow – especially with the snowballs! I feel a bit jealous because you have such a thick, warm coat. I feel naked when I’m outside 😦

  40. Dogs N Pawz says:

    We have been keeping our paws crossed for snow but we haven’t had any yet:( In fact, it is like Spring here. It’s a real bummer. Glad you are having so much fun! We will just have to come look at all your snow pictures so we can remember what it is like to have snow!!!!!

  41. Kia says:

    Love the pictures and video! Simba got to play in the snow for the first time last week! I’ll be posting about it this week 🙂

  42. Dianda says:

    LEt’s have a snowball fight Misaki!

  43. Nylabluesmum says:

    Oh Misaki you SO remind me of my Bogart Sam of many years ago!! Not only do you look alot like him, you have the same zest for Winter he did!!! There is nothing sweeter than a Husky type doggie playing in the snow with their beloved Human(s)!!!!! You post as many vids as you want because Nylablue & I will watch ALL of them 😉
    Love ya furry face!!! Sherri-Ellen & Nylablue too!!!

  44. snoopys@snoopysdogblog says:

    You can never have too much Snow buddy – or snow videos and pics – you’re pretty good at catching it!!

    Throw some over here and I’ll catch it!! 🙂

    Have fun,

    Your pal Snoopy 🙂

  45. SO much fun Misaki!! I was going to ask you to enjoy some of that snow for all of us here at the ranch too… but it sorta looks like you already are!!! 😀

  46. Clowie says:

    I’m glad you got enough snow to play in. I can see you loved it!

  47. just what a mal is supposed to be like, you rock Miss Misaki!!

  48. Bosun Dawg says:

    You’re beautiful in the snow Misaki. Please, please, please, let it snow here just once. 🙂

  49. fivesibesmom says:

    So much fun! We wish we had some more snow, but we haven’t had much this year. Love watching you play in it!

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