Desperately seeking Mollie

The search continues for Mollie. If you need to catch up, you can stop by any of these blogs to pick up the story:  Mollie, Doggy, Litchi, the piggies, Sammy, Easy and Princess Zena

This ransom note has been received so at least we know she HAS been dog-napped and not trampled under one of Doggy’s elephants:

With everyone’s help we have amassed a huge search party and we are off to Spain to retrace Mollie’s steps

Sammy guiding the way

Me, Ruby and Alfie are off to spain

Meanwhile, Easy is speeding around in his boat and Doggy is threatening let loose his dogs of war.

Alfie is newly initiated in the FBI (Feline bureau of investigation)  and we have Ruby‘s super tracking skills, so between us we will hopefully find her soon.

17 Comments on “Desperately seeking Mollie”

  1. BOL this is so funny. Bring her back super sleuth.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. Hello down there! This is Sam from the hang-glider radio – just to let you all know that you’re almost at the beach…..beware of the elephants and orcs…..they’re everywhere! I’m going to do a fly-over of Doggy’s castle to see if I see any sign of Mollie……good luck!

    Over and out…………

  3. Mollie says:

    It sure is choppy out here don’t you think..hang on tight Misaki 🙂

  4. Good thing no-one gets sea-sick! Land in sight – that’s good! Doggy’s already made it through Portugal so I doubt he’s anywhere near his castle. Last I heard he was on his way to France (promises to save all the wine for me – yippee – party at my place once we find Mollie)

  5. glad no one gots sea sick….how about cheesecake?

  6. Hang on guys, these seas are rough, but when we gets to land, I can pick up Mollie’s and evil Doggy’s scents, and we will have her back in NO TIME!



  7. Zena says:

    Why didn’t anyone warn me that high heels and a diamonds don’t work in rough seas???
    I’ll have to call into the Champs Elysees to buy a more appropriate outfit.
    What do you think? Waterproof but stylish. Practical yet pretty. Hmmmm… quite a dilemma.
    Bother… just tripped up on that loose plank again.

  8. You are making HER laugh…really loud too! Thanks…I love the sound of HER laugh!

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