Sad news

Today is a sad day indeed and makes my current imprisonment pale considerably.

There has been a great loss to the bloggy community as both cute little Bingo from Hutch A Good Life, and the wise and dashing Zac the All Black have crossed over rainbow bridge.

My heart goes out to their families today. I’m sending big doggie kisses to Nibbles, Nutty & Buddy and also to Princess.

RIP Bingo and Zac, hope you both are running free over rainbow bridge together xxx

27 Comments on “Sad news”

  1. This is indeed very sad.

  2. A very sad day indeed. We’re thinking of their families. x

  3. Clowie says:

    It’s very sad, I’ll miss them. I’ve left comments on their blogs, but words seem so inadequate at times like this.

  4. Oh my… is a sad day. We read about Zac on another blog and stopped by to extend condolences but didn’t know that our very good friend Bingo had also crossed the Bridge. Makes you want to go hug your human real tight – I think I’ll do just that.

    Kitty Hugs, Sammy

  5. Mollie says:

    Such a sad day 😦

  6. Many prayers for those families. 😦
    Shelle, Milo, Dixie and Newby,

  7. Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning says:

    We did not know Bingo or Zac, but we send our deep regrets. Soft woos and gentle hugs from all of us to their families.

    Woos – Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  8. RA says:

    We will stop by and paw our respects,

    RA, Isis & NanΓΌk

  9. Today is definatly a verreh sad day.
    We are so sad to have lost our furbuddy Bingo and we are so glad to have known him, not only through his blog, but in real life too. =[
    Piggeh kisses,
    Poppy and Clover

  10. rumpydog says:

    Oh this so sad!

  11. Oskar says:

    Oh what a sad day, indeed.

    Nubbin wiggles,

  12. A sad day indeed for Bingo and Zac’s families – it makes you hug your pets that bit closer tonight. RIP little fellas xx

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