
Although Guy Fawkes night isn’t actually till Monday, this weekend there will likely be lots of firework displays.

We’ve had a few fireworks go off locally and so far I haven’t been bothered by them but when our big local display goes ahead Sunday evening then things might be a different matter, especially since it’s being held in the park behind our house! Mummy and daddy have been doing lots of research and are going to do everything they can do keep me calm and relaxed during that time.

If you should need any help or advice, here are loads of great websites with info such as the RSPCA, Wood Green Animal Shelter, and Your Dog Magazine

This can be a scary time for us furbuddies, so please all stay safe this weekend.

Doggie kisses

glitter pictures

48 Comments on “Fireworks”

  1. Guy Fawkes used to be a big thing here when I was growing up but seems to gave died out now. I hope this remains that way. Luckily Litchi is not scared but my previous dog was so afraid of thunder and fireworks that she suffered a stroke during one storm. I hope all the animals stay safe. Great that you put up the links to help.

  2. Misaki we hope you don’t get too spooked. I go and find my hidey hole under the sideboard and stay there till they have gone. We will be glad when Monday is over. Have a super Saturday.
    Best wishes Molly

  3. scienerf says:

    I’m glad you’re doing ok with all those nasty bangs and whizzes, they’ve been going off round here for the past couple of weeks and my mum is getting quite annoyed at the idiots and the supermarkets who sell them. She’s even signed petitions on line to put stricter controls on fireworks.
    I’m not keen on them, but when my mum has been working late shifts I’ve just curled up and ignored them as much as possible. The only thing is I want to go out in the garden to pee and don’t have the guts once the door is open so we’ve had to wait until late at night before I can do my last sniff and check of the property (very frustrating).
    Take care during this nasty time of year, wags and sniffs, Toby

  4. Mollie says:

    Wez gonna be snuggled up wiff Mommy and Daddy watching a nice film..Theyz don’t boffer wiff fireworks now, so wez will be nice n safe 🙂 xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  5. speedyrabbit says:

    This is my first Guy Fawkes,but mummy just watches the fires that she is able to see from the bedroom window so I might take a peek with her

  6. Gosh Misaki…..I hope you don’t get too scared by those LOUD fireworks. I don’t care for them myself – fortunately we usually only have them ONCE a year on July 4th. Just stick close to your humans and they will do their best to keep you COOL, CALM, and COLLECTED!

    Kitty hugs, Sammy

  7. dogdaz says:

    I don’t like the boomers either and I am a human. So I stay inside and turn on the TV so that I don’t have to hear the loud noise. I do like the pretty lights though. Sometimes hugs help too. Be safe.

  8. Emmadog says:

    Google should thank you! Lately, I have had to google so many events on your blog and Guy Fawkes night is another one. Being a pup born in England I should know these things but I guess I left at too young of an age to remember. Enjoy the festivities!

  9. cafall says:

    Stay safe! Our boys have gotten used to fireworks – we have a high school near us that uses them at every foot ball game.


  10. Please stay safe, maybe you can use a wardrobe as a bomb shelter – that’s my place if we have a firework :o)

  11. Doggy doesn’t mind fireworks, but something bad happened at the park last time there were fireworks, a bunch of dogs ran away and one got hit by a car.
    In Seville fireworks are not too popular but Valencia in March is hell, the video is the nice part of it, which is organized by the city, but then everywhere you go there are kids throwing things at you, day and night for a month.

  12. Kyla says:

    the poor Spanish. First they’re broke, and now they’re getting invaded.

  13. Dianda says:

    Bah, I don’t like firework. You’re basically shoot your money away in the air, and it makes the cats scared. 😦

  14. catchatcaren says:

    Hoping that people behave themselves so you don’t have to be scared! Barks and licks and love, Dakota

  15. Oh, sorrys about those fireworks! They sure can be annoyin’! They don’t scare me, butts if they’re REALLY loud, I get really pissed and bark, and bark!!
    I mean, the nerves, don’t they know pups are tryin’ to sleeps??? These are peeps who obviously DON’T have pets!
    Good Lucks Misaki, and stay close to your Moms and Dads!


  16. Oskar says:

    Ugh, I hate fireworks. When we have the Fourth of July and there are lots of fireworks I have to wear my Thundershirt & they even got me some medicine for when that doesn’t work.

    Nubbin wiggles,

  17. Mmm, we’re truly ambivalent about them. If they’re held in locations away from homes then that is better but they do scare most animals. It’s the continual days and days of them in people’s gardens that get the animals down 😦

  18. We don’t have them around here this time of year, thank goodness. Lee hates them! Phod seems indifferent! Hope you enjoy them or stay safe. Lee and Phod

  19. Zena says:

    Pwetty picture – not so pretty fireworks. I am dreading New Year (which is when they have a lot of fireworks here), the first without Zac, but by then perhaps I’ll feel safe with Raffles and not need to worry.

  20. Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning says:

    Oh, Guy Fawkes Day. When we saw Molly’s comment yesterday, we wondered why there were fireworks. Phantom used to be afraid of fireworks, but he can’t hear them any more. Wehear they are very pretty to watch. Hope all goes well for you, Misaki.

    Woos – Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  21. Hide under a blanket, M. That’s what I do when I’m afraid of the mechanical hamster toy. Good luck.

    Love and licks and back-from-the-blackout,

  22. onebluedog says:

    I hope all those fireworks don’t get too loud and scary Misaki! But I know you are a very brave girl 🙂

  23. one would think peeps could find something else to celebrate with besides dumping all that stuff in the air, without letting thousands of balloons fly free to kill birds and sit on the ground for like a billion years…I could go on and on…sorry Misaki, I hope you stay calm with Mom and Dad, paw pats, Savannah

  24. tylersat99 says:

    We do not like fireworks at all, I’m glad it’s not firework time here. Mom tries to keep things calm but we would rather they go away. We hope you don’t have a problem with them at all xxx

  25. Dalton says:

    Hope you stayed safe and unbothered!!

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