Prayers for Nylablue

You may have seen on facebook that little Nylablue is very poorly. She has been diagnosed with chronic pancreatitis.

prayers for nylablue

She needs some serious power of the paw right now, so please send her lots of love and healing vibes. And also hugs to her mum who is doing all she can to help Nylablue.

33 Comments on “Prayers for Nylablue”

  1. fozziemum says:

    Oh Misaki we have been chatting to Nylablues mum and it is very sad..we were just about to do a post for her..we send all our love to her and Sherri-Ellen xxxx hugs to you Fozziemum

    • Misaki says:

      I know, mummy got a message from her on fb last night, so sad. Wish there was more we could do to help.
      Feel free to use my pic in your post if you want to xx

      • fozziemum says:

        I know Misaki 😦 we have been emailing each other..i sent a little pressie off yesterday just because I wanted to let her know how special she is,i found a lovely pic on Nylablues bloggie that I grabbed my sweet so I have done my bloggie.It breaks my heart,i have gone down this road so many times and it gets us all..and that sweet Misaki is why we are all friends 🙂 xxxx

  2. Poor Nylablue – she has had a run of battles with her health. Thanks for the update Misaki, we’ll go over to give her some love.

  3. Mom and I will say prayers for this beautiful girl.

    Love and prayers,

  4. Whee are sending healing huggles and comforting cuddles

    Nacho, Noah, Buddy & Basil

  5. Oh no! We send healing vibes and the POTP.
    Best wishes Molly

  6. I send a big bag with healing powers and best wishes over the great pond to Nylablue.

  7. God bless Nylablue and all the good folks who are trying to help her! There has to be a very special place in Heaven for you all. My prayers and thoughts are with you!

  8. katiebblogs says:

    Oh sweet Nylablue, we are so sad about this. Lots of thoughts going to her.

  9. we don’t know Nylablue but we send our deepest prayers and purrs

  10. Nylabluesmum says:

    Hello Misaki: Sherri-Ellen here. Thank you & your Mum for posting about Nylablue…what a wonderful ‘family’ we have here!!! Nylablue spent a quiet evening on top of kitchen cupboard & then she slept with me all nite in the big bed….her appetite is not the best but she is calm & watching the birds this morning. I will post a blog soon. Please keep prayers for my ‘Sweet Feet’ coming….she means the world to me…..I KNOW she is on her way to the Bridge & i accept it but I sure wish there was a miracle right about now!!!
    With love Sherri-Ellen & Nylablue xo

  11. Count us in the paw prayer circle.

    • Nylabluesmum says:

      Hello Roxy: Sherri-Ellen here…we appreciate you wanting to be a part of the paw circle! Nylablue spent a quiet night & she is stable this morning altho not eating alot. I just pray she can have a bit more ‘quality’ time…
      Sincerely, sherri-Ellen

  12. raisingdaisy says:

    We’re with you – we’re sending healing nose kisses and prayers of strength to both Nylablue and her mom.

  13. Frankie and Ernie says:

    We are sending OUR POTP to Nylablue.

  14. Kyla says:

    Oh good gravy-I just went through that ordeal in March.

  15. Sending POTP to Nylablue! I hope she feels better soon!!! Hugs, Francesca

  16. A Husky Life says:

    Poor little kitty, hoping for a miracle!

  17. Our thoughts are with Nylablue
    Stay strong little kitty… miracles do happen sometimes

  18. Judy says:

    Sending love and prayers to Nylablue and Sherri-Ellen. Love Cali, Andy, Tater and Shelly (C.A.T.S)

  19. Oh, we sure hope Nylablue gets better very soon. It is awful to have sickies!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  20. Sending prayer and lots of paw thoughts for a rapid recovery. No fun to not feel well. Max & Bella

  21. Sending our love. Power of the Paw. Lee and Phod

  22. Nylabluesmum says:

    Yow Misaki Nylablue here…Mum let me pick a few of ya to reeply to!! Me chose ya cause ya iz one of me bestest poochiez…me haz had a restfull iz so bery tired n da meddycashunz are makin me so sleepy….me did go out in Condo fer an hour….now me iz beeside Mum n we iz readin commintz…we not shure how much time me haz left…but fer tonite me IZ still here wif all of ya!!!
    *nose kissez* Nylablue xo

  23. Dalton says:

    Keeping everything crossed for her!!

  24. All paws and fingers cross for her xxx

  25. I am keeping Nylablue and family in my thoughts and prayers, Misaki.

  26. Shiva & Jaya says:

    Purrime Ministerettes is sorry. We bow heads in respect and cross paws for bestest.

  27. Oskar says:

    I’m just getting over pancreatitis. As a miniature schnauzer I’m more prone than many other breeds. I’m feeling better and I hope Nylablue is also.

    Nubbin wiggles,

  28. Sadie Shih Tzu says:

    Oh noes. We’re very sorry to hear about Nylablue. My face licks can be a powerful elixir. I will send a virtual one her way. Kisses and hugs to you all. xoxo

  29. Nylabluesmum says:

    Thank you Purrime Ministerettes, Oskar & Sadie Shih Tzu…we appreciate your ‘purrayers’ & good wishes…Nylablue has Inflammatory Bowel Disease as well as Cystitis so the Pnacreatitis is is a progression of chronic health problems since I rescued her 7+ yrs ago…unfortunately she is on borrowed time…all I can hope for is to extend her life for a few more months….hopefully with quality….
    Sherri-Ellen & Nylablue

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