
Hi All, it feels like aggggges since I posted on my blog! It sure has been a busy few days.

I am super excited about Christmas! Apparently my nanny’s sister has adopted a dog called Dizzy and I get to meet her on Boxing Day – yay! It’s going to be soooo much fun. Mummy says I have to be on my best behaviour as although Dizzy is older than me, she’s alot smaller so I have to be careful to not get carried away. She worries waaaay to much!

I hope Daisy will be nice to me, usually she hisses when she sees me and runs off. Mummy says I’m not allowed to chase her though, which is a shame.

Over the weekend, like Molly the Wally, I also received a card to say I had a parcel to pick up, and had to give my paw print in at the post office. Only when daddy and I got there, there was a sign saying no doggies allowed – uh oh! So I had to wait in the car, while daddy went in to explain that the parcel was for me…

2012-12-17 15.01.42

Will I ever get my parcel…?

And I waited for like 5 minutes hours and eventually he came back –  it worked! They believed him – woohoo! But what is it and who’s it from??

2012-12-17 15.53.23

some serious sniffing needed here

And funnily enough, it was from Molly the Wally! Thank you so much Molly! Mummy says I have more presents than her BOL!!

Hope you’re having a good evening all!

60 Comments on “Parcel”

  1. p.m.terrell says:

    Misaki, it sounds like you are having a totally awesome Christmas holiday! We wish we could visit with you and play and play and play. And then play some more! You sure are beautiful in all your pictures. Lots of love from Mattie the foxhound, Simone the collie and Eddie & Lucy the JR’s. Oh and their peep.

  2. What could be better than pwesent’z 🙂 Humom mail’z in morning..One of thoze day’z..Big bear hug’z xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  3. Fun presents! Woo Hoo! Enjoy!

  4. Misaki – you deserve lots of pressie’s. It looks like you got to open it. Does that mean you are now on Santa’s naughty list cuz you didn’t wait until Christmas? I am very confused over all these Christmas rules.

  5. Isn’t it just FABULOUS to get pressies???? I guess your Dad is very good at impersonating you or he couldn’t have retrieved your package at the post office. Did you already open it? Save some surprises for Christmas morning now….. 😀 😀

    Holiday Hugs, Sammy

    • Hehehehe! Luckily he knows the lady in the post office, so he didn’t have to lick her or jump up at her like I would BOL
      They weren’t wrapped, but mummy has hidden them away in the cupboard until Christmas morning

  6. Madi and Mom says:

    HOW DARE THEY NOT LET YOU IN THE POST OFFICE…did you tell them you were a famous Dog blogger. Tell them you are personal friends with the Mayor of Blogville and she is not happy.
    Great pressies from Molly the wally she is the best present buyer.
    hugs Madi your BFFF

  7. Hawoooo Misaki! Getting stuff in the post is the best!! Enjoy mate:)


  8. dawsondogscom says:

    It is a busy time of year and so fun to get mail.

  9. kate says:

    Its great to see you back, keep having an amazing holliday season

    urban hounds

  10. Pleasure Misaki and now we have the same stocking as I got one of those from Easy. Wonder what is in it? Have a marvelous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  11. So fun! You waited in the car like such a good girl. Why would anybody think you would not show good behavior with Dizzy? That’s crazy talk?

    Love and licks,

    • Luckily it wasn’t a long wait and we were able to park right outside so daddy could keep an eye on me, he doesn’t like leaving me in the car alone.
      I know! Can you believe humans! I know how to behave…most of the time BOL

  12. catfromhell says:

    Gosh! Is not getting mail fun!

  13. catchatcaren says:

    how wonderful!!! that is sooooooo much fun!

  14. Jacobi says:

    Wow – that’s pawesome. What was in it?


  15. Wooohooo! New doggy friend to meet, if he is anything like his name, Im sure Dizzy seems like a fun guy. Don’t worry Misaki’ mom. People always get nervous if they have their big friendly dog around Kirby I might not like that. But I love when Kirby meets big friends, and encourage it, its good for the little guys, when they meet friendly big guys it teaches them even though the doggy might be bigger it doesn’t mean you have to be scared. Still working on that with Kirby, he’s still a little shy in person.

  16. Oh, those looked like great pressies Misaki! I hope you really enjoyed your haul!
    I hope your visit on Boxing day goes great, sounds like you’ll have to be caaalm…


  17. A Husky Life says:

    Getting parcels in the mail is the best!

  18. How wonderful! Getting packages is the best, even if you have to wait in the car 🙂

    Oink oink,
    Katie and Coccolino the mini pig

  19. Zena says:

    I know all about the play thing. They are having to train Raffles not to play with me because he tends to get too rough 😦
    When he is a little older and wants to play more gently it will be fine. At the moment he treats me like a chew toy!

  20. Emmadog says:

    Sounds like you have lots of fun coming up 🙂 My mom is jealous too as I have been getting mail and packages and she has not…who is the most loved I keep asking her 🙂

  21. Four-leggeds should always have more presents than two-leggeds…right? Sounds good to me! Can’t wait to hear (and see) what you get!

  22. I think we pups are saving the postal business – we clearly send and get more mail then people.

    My Lady says your people aren’t worrying too much about you and a small pup. Small pups can get hurt (like our Gemi did), so be careful but have fun!

  23. Oh parcels are great!!! you are such a lucky girl!!! Thanks for your wonderful christmas card!!! I will print it out and put it on my chimney – so we can celebrate christmas all together ;o)

  24. snoopys@snoopysdogblog says:

    Yay Misaki you got a present from that cutie Molly the Wally!! Think she’s got a crush on you!! 🙂

    How silly is it that the post office want you to give a paw print but then won’t let you in? Huh?

    Big wags,

    Your pal Snoopy 🙂

  25. Dianda says:

    More presents? They are spoiling you, Misaki! 😉

  26. tylersat99 says:

    It’s so fun to get a parcel and we’re so glad your Dad was able to pick it up for you 🙂

  27. Hi Misaki!! I am finally getting to visit my furriends…I am how pawsome you got to go get your package!

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